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Unlocking people-powered productivity with AI

People-centered AI: help your team to integrate AI into their workflow to boost productivity and enhance collaboration.

Suddenly everyone is talking about AI. While some make exuberant predictions about potential productivity gains, others issue pessimistic warnings about disruption. How can companies adopt a growth-oriented approach to AI where humans remain at the center of innovation? In this keynote, I discuss how individuals and leaders can prepare for the age of AI.

German Ramirez_HR Today_Blockchain in HR event

Collaborate with AI

AI promises to unlock sustained productivity growth for businesses for the first time in decades. But if AI is to deliver on its promise, people will be at the heart of that transformation. While AI can analyze probabilities, make predictions and even create text and images, ultimately it will be down to humans to make judicious calls about how, when and where to use it. 

The more individuals trained and empowered to use AI to work and collaborate, the larger the productivity gains will be. In this keynote, I explain how leaders can inspire their team with a growth-oriented approach to AI. Through engaging anecdotes, practical examples and key principles, I will outline a path to embracing AI while keeping humans firmly at the center of your business culture.   

What’s covered in this keynote?

  • how AI will change the working world.
  • why employees will need to exercise more creativity and judgment in the AI age.
  • how leaders can empower employees to integrate AI into their daily workflow.
  • the difference between predictive and generative AI and the use cases for businesses.
  • the mindset and organizational culture needed to succeed in the AI age.
Let’s talk

Why it matters

Depending on who you listen to, AI may be framed as a catalyst for the biggest growth in productivity since the industrial revolution, or the harbinger of an age of unemployment and inequality. This dual narrative leaves businesses and employees uncertain about how to approach the technology. While AI could potentially boost productivity, output and wages, it also encompasses significant risks. If humans feel like they are being replaced or subjugated by AI, this could undermine morale and reduce employee engagement.

For companies who have carefully built up a dedicated team of employees and invested resources in establishing a common culture, this risk should not be underestimated. In the knowledge economy, the old maxim that “our people are our most important asset” will remain true in the AI age.This keynote explores how companies and individuals can adapt to AI. It posits that while AI is very good at predictions and data synthesis within certain parameters, human judgment, social interactions, and critical thinking will remain essential in the economy of the future. This implies that to get the most benefit from AI, companies will need to empower more people at more levels of the company to harness these human skills. I conclude by putting forward a growth-oriented mindset that can help to inspire optimism and cohesion in the AI age.   

Let’s talk
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"I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German Ramirez, who shared his knowledge on social media in a highly engaging way. This was a workshop which was really exciting as the different tips and tricks were demonstrated in life-mode."

Jan Imbusch
Head of Sourcing and Supplier Management

"German was a key driver for successfully establishing and launching a Social Media Competence Center, and continue to add great value in supporting teams to build business cases and providing training in Social Media topics. I appreciate their open and direct communication style, being pragmatic in the approach and constructive in the discussion.”

Christian Sebregondi
Global Head of Web Solutions

"I had the pleasure to work with German on several occasions. I highly value his profound digital know how, his visionary way of thinking and his ability to put complex topics across in an easy and infotaining way. He is an excellent speaker and very pleasant to work with."

Barbara Müry
Head of Social Media Management

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