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Success is never an accident. 

You know that reaching your business goals demands more than just good intentions. It takes knowledge, strategy and insight. And don’t forget motivation.

German Ramirez_HR Today_Blockchain in HR event

I’ve been on the internet longer than Google.

As a digital strategy and social media specialist, working with everyone from startups to Fortune 500 corporations, I know what you need from a consultant: higher impact, more ROI, less bullshit. I have two decades of experience at the coalface of emerging technologies, not just witnessing the huge transformations still under way, but helping to drive them. 

German Ramirez TEDx lugano
German Ramirez Intrum vision day

If you’re working with an outsider, it’s because you need perspective, as well as expertise. I have both – as well as a healthy dose of passion, to inspire you and your team. Let’s get together to make good things happen.

What you need

A bridge between deep technical understanding, and high-level business strategy.

There is no shortage of specialized know-how. But what is often missing in corporations is the ability to connect digital smarts with the bigger picture. Good thing I’m here, then.

brand positioning German Ramirez

I deliver ...

Elevation of your thinking and execution in all the right places. I ask the right questions to draw out your institutional knowledge, and add my perspective, to generate grounded, strategic creativity.

brand positioning German Ramirez

Purpose-driven leadership

When a company is united in working towards a common purpose, it becomes much easier to motivate staff, attract talent, and increase the value of your brand. Learn how to lead with authenticity and engagement to unite your team with a shared vision.

brand positioning German Ramirez

Personal branding for executives

The lines between brands and their leaders have blurred. To be successful, your voice counts more than ever. Learn how to craft a social media presence that strengthens your brand, builds meaningful connections with leads, and positions you as a thought leader in your field. 

brand positioning German Ramirez

Collaboration and resilience in the age of AI

AI promises to unlock significant productivity gains, but employees have legitimate concerns. This training delves into how teams can harness AI most effectively, and explains why humans will remain at the center of the AI transformation. 

brand positioning German Ramirez

Brand positioning strategy map

Do you still know what you stand for? Do your customers know? If you’re feeling a bit lost, you need a map. I have a great one.

digital transformation German Ramirez

Digital transformation in HR

Employer branding is key to attracting and retaining the best talent, and it has to permeate your whole organization. It’s about shifting from push to pull. And it’s essential in the new workplace.

social sales German Ramirez

Social sales strategy

In B2B as well as B2C, leveraging your networks (that includes those of all your employees) can supercharge sales. It’s both an art and a science, and I can teach you.

social media management German Ramirez

Social media business strategy

It’s not enough to be on social – you have to do it right. Don’t underestimate how much this can achieve with a proper plan (and please, please don’t just let your interns run the joint).

digital health check German Ramirez

Digital health check

Sure, you’ve already got a digital strategy and a team and a lot going on – but is it all working together? Are they following the plan? Do they all even know what the plan is? Let’s make sure.

digital analytics framework German Ramirez

Digital analytics framework

You’re drowning in data, but what do you do with it? I will help you unearth the valuable information buried under all those metrics.

Customer experience strategy German Ramirez

Customer experience strategy

Digital transformation at a holistic level. It’s not just customer-centric, it’s customer-driven.

content strategy German Ramirez

Content strategy framework

Leverage all the information at your disposal to create relevance and credibility.

People like you and me!

elke guhl

"German is the most amazing marketing person I've ever worked with! He combines an extraordinary creative brain, fascinating people skills with a powerful analytical and number driven mind set - on top he always used am entrepreneurial strength while driving business results to the max!"

Elke guhl
Karim Jamil

“Working with German is highly inspirational - his remarkable drive, dazzling creativity and great sense of humour paired with his deep know how in the digital as well as traditional marketing field, make it a real pleasure to work with him. German’s high business ethics and professional approach to deliver best of class solutions is continuously shown through his open & team-orientated attitude."

Karim Jamil
Adam burck

"German made an immediate and significant positive impact on our business. His dynamism, creativity and results-orientation, along with his natural charm have earned him considerable success."

adam burck
nicole kremer

“German is a brilliant thinker - highly creative, visionary and strategic at the same time. He is very much able to think out of the box and therefore bring completely new ideas to the table."

Nicole kremer
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Coming soon!

Developing your personal brand means polishing the shine of your full, authentic self, getting you to your goals (and beyond).

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Be the first to know

First you’ll laugh. Then you’ll learn. I have a lot to say – and I promise you’ll enjoy hearing it! Bare with me - i will release my online courses soon.

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Don’t just take my word for it.

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients. 

"I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German Ramirez, who shared his knowledge on social media in a highly engaging way. This was a workshop which was really exciting as the different tips and tricks were demonstrated in life-mode."

Jan Imbusch
Head of Sourcing and Supplier Management

"German was a key driver for successfully establishing and launching a Social Media Competence Center, and continue to add great value in supporting teams to build business cases and providing training in Social Media topics. I appreciate their open and direct communication style, being pragmatic in the approach and constructive in the discussion.”

Christian Sebregondi
Global Head of Web Solutions

"I had the pleasure to work with German on several occasions. I highly value his profound digital know how, his visionary way of thinking and his ability to put complex topics across in an easy and infotaining way. He is an excellent speaker and very pleasant to work with."

Barbara Müry
Head of Social Media Management
or rather this

A trainer who can inspire your team, as well as teaching them.

There is a major difference between knowing, and being able to transfer knowledge. Even better is imparting motivation and enthusiasm along the way. I deliver ...

personal branding German Ramirez

Personal Branding

Polishing your executives’ digital presence will improve their leadership both inside and outside the organization, raising the reputation and credibility of your whole company.

digital & social media leadership

Digital & social media

Everyone’s online – and what your employees say online reflects on you. Let’s make sure that your team know how to avoid the pitfalls, and reap the rewards, of social channels.

social sales German Ramirez

Tailored training for specific needs

First I listen. Then I uncover the things you don’t even know to ask for, and create the program you really need. I can challenge you and your assumptions, develop customized solutions and most importantly – help you get results.

Client recommendations

Don’t just take my word for it.

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients.

"German Ramirez not only gives you useful insights about the social world; he provides valuable tools to create your own social media strategy and apply it immediately within your organization."

Alina Lytvynenko
Manager International Business Development

"German is a very knowledgeable, exciting and inspiring lecturer who gave us a true insight to the world of social media: how it works and what a company can do to get the best possible benefit out of it."

Gitte Björn
Head HTS Support Services and OHS

"How we would describe our experience with German Ramirez? Profound know-how combined with a high level of enthusiasm led to excellent results."

Eric Samuiloff
CEO Swiss Life Austria

Ready? What can I do for you?

If you do not think your topics is covered here on my offering, but it is still very close to it: get in touch and let us discuss your needs. 

Digital world

Everyone’s online. Where are you?

This is where you can find me, to hear more of my thoughts or share your own. Let’s connect. 


Get in touch

If this all sounds promising but not quite what you had in mind, get in touch! Let’s figure out together how I can meet your needs.

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