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Harness Web3

In 15 years, blockchain and Web3 have gone from a vision of an alternative internet dreamed up by a few programmers to a multi-trillion dollar global industry. But there is still a way to go before Web3, blockchain,  cryptocurrency and dApps achieve widespread adoption. In an industry that remains nascent, where do the biggest opportunities and pitfalls lie for businesses? This keynote explores the innovative world of the decentralized web.

TEDx German Ramirez

Blockchain and Web3

Web3 promises to usher in a more user-centric internet, improving security, and opening new possibilities for ownership and monetization. It is already being adopted by companies for a wide variety of use cases from supply chain and IoT, to payments and AI. 

As adoption expands, what will a more decentralized web mean for businesses and how can they position themselves to benefit? 

What’s covered in this keynote?

  • how Web3 changes the relationship between customer and business.
  • building rewarding exchanges of value in decentralized communities.
  • co-creation and harnessing community feedback.
  • channels and tone of voice when interacting with Web3 audiences.
  • outlook, potential growth areas, and paths to mass adoption.
Let’s talk

Why is it important?

The old adage goes that if you are not paying for a service, you are the product. After decades of hacks, breaches and data privacy scandals, consumers and regulators are growing increasingly wary of surveillance capitalism. 87% of US consumers say that they will not do business with a company if they have concerns about its security practices. Similarly, in Europe, 70% of EU consumers are concerned about the use and sharing of their personal data. 

Beyond ensuring compliance and avoiding reputational risk, research suggests that some consumers are willing to pay a premium for services that protect their privacy. Meanwhile, the bonds between consumers and centralized brands are weakening. 71% of consumers globally say that they have little faith that brands will deliver on their promises while only 34% think that consumers are transparent about their commitments and promises. Web3 provides a technology stack to enable businesses and brands to deepen engagement with consumers, build trust by design into their data practices, and enhance the transparency of their operations.

Let’s talk
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I can talk about a lot of things, but these topics get me really excited. I’ll get you excited too. 

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"I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German Ramirez, who shared his knowledge on social media in a highly engaging way. This was a workshop which was really exciting as the different tips and tricks were demonstrated in life-mode."

Jan Imbusch
Head of Sourcing and Supplier Management

"German was a key driver for successfully establishing and launching a Social Media Competence Center, and continue to add great value in supporting teams to build business cases and providing training in Social Media topics. I appreciate their open and direct communication style, being pragmatic in the approach and constructive in the discussion.”

Christian Sebregondi
Global Head of Web Solutions

"I had the pleasure to work with German on several occasions. I highly value his profound digital know how, his visionary way of thinking and his ability to put complex topics across in an easy and infotaining way. He is an excellent speaker and very pleasant to work with."

Barbara Müry
Head of Social Media Management

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