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Build Resilience

Bounce back better from adversity and turn challenges into opportunities by cultivating personal and organizational resilience. 

Over the past two decades, companies categorized as more resilient have outperformed the rest of the market on average. Individuals with resilient characteristics such as perseverance and adaptability tend to be more productive, engaged, and satisfied with their work. But how can individuals build resilience and how can it be fostered by leaders? In this keynote, I explore ways of unlocking this elusive business superpower.

Building Resilience

In today’s business landscape, the only constant is change. From supply chain disruptions, to IT failures, and the rapid emergence of new technologies, businesses face a wide array of complex challenges. Companies that attempt to anticipate and solve every problem through prescriptive, top-down management are doomed to fail. Conversely, businesses that empower employees to develop creative solutions to uncommon problems will adapt to change faster and outperform the competition. 

In this keynote, I explain how individuals can overcome the fear of failure that limits their adaptability and how leaders can foster a mindset of resilience in their team. 

What’s covered in this keynote?

  • what resilience means in a business context.
  • the differences and overlaps between individual resilience and organizational resilience.
  • how businesses can put in place flexible decision-making processes for times of uncertainty.
  • what leaders can do to cultivate and foster resilience in their teams.
Let’s talk

Why is organizational resilience important?

From pandemics and wars, to disrupted supply chains and technological shifts, modern businesses face myriad overlapping challenges that some analysts have described as a “permacrisis”. In times of constant change, uncertainty and disruption, it can be difficult for businesses to meet the expectations of their customers, partners, regulators, and other stakeholders. But businesses that have the ability to adapt quickly to disruption have the opportunity not only to survive, but also increase their market share in the long run.  

The business imperative for resilience is clear. 96% of organizations globally say that they have faced a disruption within the past two years and resilient companies have been shown to generate higher value for shareholders over the past two decades.

However, resilience is fundamentally about more than just the numbers, it’s about people. A resilient business stems from a resilient culture, which has further downstream benefits. Resilient workers are more likely to be positive and optimistic, serving as an inspiration to their colleagues and an ambassador for the brand. They are more resourceful, remaining productive even in times of uncertainty. And they are creative and flexible, able to adapt to circumstances in new situations. 

In a world of unrelenting competition and constant uncertainty, resilience has moved from being a function of compliance and risk management to a key strategic priority. 

Let’s talk
Let’s talk
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"I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German Ramirez, who shared his knowledge on social media in a highly engaging way. This was a workshop which was really exciting as the different tips and tricks were demonstrated in life-mode."

Jan Imbusch
Head of Sourcing and Supplier Management

"German was a key driver for successfully establishing and launching a Social Media Competence Center, and continue to add great value in supporting teams to build business cases and providing training in Social Media topics. I appreciate their open and direct communication style, being pragmatic in the approach and constructive in the discussion.”

Christian Sebregondi
Global Head of Web Solutions

"I had the pleasure to work with German on several occasions. I highly value his profound digital know how, his visionary way of thinking and his ability to put complex topics across in an easy and infotaining way. He is an excellent speaker and very pleasant to work with."

Barbara Müry
Head of Social Media Management

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