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Liquid Talent!

As the working world gets increasingly more flexible, a new liquid workforce is emerging and it contains some of the brightest talents in the market. But how can recruiters tap into this space and get on the radar of candidates who have new values and priorities?

This keynote explains how firms can adapt and thrive in the new world of work, explaining why company culture is a critical success factor, while detailing the approach needed to build a successful employer brand in the highly transparent age of social media.   

The Future of Work

The way we work is changing. The role of work in our lives is changing. Our attitudes towards a career are changing. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the labor market and companies will need to rapidly adapt to attract talent and remain competitive.

This keynote analyzes the four key drivers of this transformation and the implications for recruitment, leadership, and employer branding. It highlights the crucial role of culture in building your brand and how to objectively manage and measure its development.

What’s covered in this keynote?

  • the need to rethink traditional organizational structures in the era of liquid talent.
  • how recruiters can look beyond traditional channels to appeal to passive and open pool candidates. 
  • the importance of cultural fit and what it means in practice when making hiring decisions.
  • moving company culture beyond PowerPoint and into the real world.
  • building an employer brand in the glasshouse of the modern internet.
Let’s talk

Why is it important?

The values and priorities of the workforce are rapidly changing. Millions of people have had a taste of the flexibility and autonomy of hybrid remote work. For the first time, automation is disrupting middle class jobs in the knowledge economy with the advent of more powerful and widely adopted AI tools. Workers are placing more value on meaningful work and are striving to achieve a more healthy work-life balance. These forces are converging to create a new, more dynamic employment market.

Almost everyone is now a candidate, even if they have a job. 30 years ago, you actively had to buy a newspaper and read through recruitment ads to look for work. Now, social networks like LinkedIn keep potential future career moves and projects front of mind for millions of users through a constant feedback loop of stories about other companies. This has blurred the lines between actively looking for work and being in stable employment. A US study found that 86% of job seekers use social media to search for jobs.  

Globally, by 2025 Gen Z are predicted to make up about 27% of the workforce. The new generation have grown up on social media, place a high value on work-life balance and mental health, and are far more sensitive to inauthenticity than older generations. This means that when you talk about purpose or culture, you better mean it — and be able to communicate it like you mean it — or you will lose their attention. In this keynote, I discuss how businesses can create recruitment processes  and an employer brand that is fit for purpose in this new world of work.

Let’s talk
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"I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German Ramirez, who shared his knowledge on social media in a highly engaging way. This was a workshop which was really exciting as the different tips and tricks were demonstrated in life-mode."

Jan Imbusch
Head of Sourcing and Supplier Management

"German was a key driver for successfully establishing and launching a Social Media Competence Center, and continue to add great value in supporting teams to build business cases and providing training in Social Media topics. I appreciate their open and direct communication style, being pragmatic in the approach and constructive in the discussion.”

Christian Sebregondi
Global Head of Web Solutions

"I had the pleasure to work with German on several occasions. I highly value his profound digital know how, his visionary way of thinking and his ability to put complex topics across in an easy and infotaining way. He is an excellent speaker and very pleasant to work with."

Barbara Müry
Head of Social Media Management

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