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Brand new you!

Boost your brand: learn how to establish a compelling and authentic personal brand to foster meaningful connections, and expand your career prospects.Whether you regard it as a good or bad thing, the reality is that there are no more “jobs for life”.

In recent decades, globalization and the liberalization of markets have created a job market that is more uncertain and dynamic than ever before. In this keynote, I discuss how individuals can develop a digital presence to build connections and prosper in the digital age.

German Ramirez intrum vision day

Personal Branding

Are you equipped for the evolving job market? Welcome to the supermarket of people. Digital technologies are transforming our careers and way of working. Today, you are constantly in the market for your next move, your next contract, or your next client. The future of employment does not lie in open-ended employment contracts. That model is fading. That’s why it’s essential to develop a personal brand to secure opportunities in the new, more dynamic world of work.

In this talk, I explain how to define and build a successful personal brand to build connections and employment opportunities in the digital age.

What’s covered in this keynote?

  • the liquid workforce: why the relationship between employees and employers have changed and what this means for the job market.
  • how to audit your current social media presence, determine your target audience, and create realistic organic and paid social media targets.
  • how to use storytelling to build your reputation in your field and showcase your expertise.
  • the four steps to defining and launching a personal brand: establish, research, connect and engage.
Let’s talk

Why is personal branding important?

The way we work is changing. What we used to be called “freelancing” looks set to become one of the dominant modes of work. As companies constantly innovate to stay competitive in a global market, they seek to be as light and agile as possible. In future, there will be fewer open-ended contracts and more shorter-term engagements for specific projects. The priorities of employees are changing too. As individuals begin to place greater value on work-life balance, they are seeking more flexible modes of work where they can manage their hours independently, work from a variety of physical locations, and negotiate a fair market rate for the services they render on an ongoing basis.

Your personal brand is your greatest asset in the more dynamic and fluid employment market of the future, allowing you to be seen, generate leads, attract talent, or get hired. 

Let’s talk
OTHER Topics

What else i love to talk about?

I can talk about a lot of things, but these topics get me really excited. I’ll get you excited too. 

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Ready to own your own personal brand?

Developing your personal brand means polishing the shine of your full, authentic self, getting you to your goals (and beyond). I’m here to make that happen.

public speaking

Inspiration starts with connection

When you choose me as your keynote speaker, you can expect a customized event that perfectly aligns with your objectives. I take the time to understand your audience and tailor my presentation to fit your needs, ensuring it resonates deeply with everyone in the room. Get a taste of keynotes below.


Don’t just take my word for it.

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients.

"I have had the privilege to join a one-day hands-on workshop with German Ramirez, who shared his knowledge on social media in a highly engaging way. This was a workshop which was really exciting as the different tips and tricks were demonstrated in life-mode."

Jan Imbusch
Head of Sourcing and Supplier Management

"German was a key driver for successfully establishing and launching a Social Media Competence Center, and continue to add great value in supporting teams to build business cases and providing training in Social Media topics. I appreciate their open and direct communication style, being pragmatic in the approach and constructive in the discussion.”

Christian Sebregondi
Global Head of Web Solutions

"I had the pleasure to work with German on several occasions. I highly value his profound digital know how, his visionary way of thinking and his ability to put complex topics across in an easy and infotaining way. He is an excellent speaker and very pleasant to work with."

Barbara Müry
Head of Social Media Management

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