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It’s the furthest thing from fake.

Developing your personal brand means polishing the shine of your full, authentic self, getting you to your goals (and beyond). I’m here to make that happen.

German Ramirez TEDx lugano

Why personal branding?

Working life today has very little relation to the old model of fixed employment contracts. Whether or not you have a job right now, you are already a candidate for your next one. Or you are marketing yourself as an independent service provider. Or you are launching your own business (and raising funds). Whatever the situation, you need to understand your brand.

startup con cologne German Ramirez
German Ramirez Travel unchained

Because you already have one, even if you haven’t thought about it. And while an accidental brand is a huge risk, a well-considered one is a huge advantage. You’re already a product. You just need to make sure people can see how great that product is. It’s all about you, in the best way. 

What you need

A coach for the biggest game of all.

You know yourself from the inside; I can help you see yourself from the outside. Once we’ve figured out what your brand is, you’ll learn how to shout that message to the world.

The game?

Getting you to the top – whatever that means for you. First we figure out the recipe for your secret sauce – what makes you unique, and uniquely in demand. Then we apply that sauce to your social media, your website, all the ways you communicate with the world. We make sure they get a taste, and they want more. 

The prize?

Reputation, client loyalty, career progress and more. 

The players?

Anyone who wants to make their mark on the world.

  • Entrepreneurs with a big idea and a story to tell. I’ll help you connect with investors and customers.
  • Career builders with their eyes on the summit. I’ll help you build your profile and become irresistible to recruiters.
  • Corporations with key leaders who need to shine as beacons, highlighting the company’s expertise and value.
  • Influencers with a vision they need to get across in a crowded marketplace

How to play?

Contact me to discuss your needs and arrange personal or corporate consultations. Watch this space for an online masterclass and top-notch resources, available soon. Watch the space!

German ramirez travel unchained
German ramirez the circle conference
German Ramirez Belgrad
German ramirez intrum vision dayGerman ramirez intrum vision day
German ramirez digital day suedtirol

Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients.

“German Ramirez has impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik
HSG St Gallen University

"I had the pleasure of enjoying German as a coach on two LinkedIn power sessions. German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Senior Customer Experience Manager

"I had the pleasure of witnessing German Ramirez as an excellent lecturer. The classes were fun and packed with profound, deep expertise. He has an inspiring way of transferring knowledge while keeping the audience excited at the same time."

Andrea Vital
Senior Projektleiter eMarketing

Ready? What can I do for you?

If you do not think your topics is covered here on my offering, but it is still very close to it: get in touch and let us discuss your needs. 

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Coming soon!

Developing your personal brand means polishing the shine of your full, authentic self, getting you to your goals (and beyond).

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First you’ll laugh. Then you’ll learn. I have a lot to say – and I promise you’ll enjoy hearing it! Bare with me - i will release my online courses soon.

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This is where you can find me, to hear more of my thoughts or share your own. Let’s connect. 


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If this all sounds promising but not quite what you had in mind, get in touch! Let’s figure out together how I can meet your needs.

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