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LinkedIn Training for Marketing

The key to success for your company and your brand on LinkedIn is not about posting regularly amazing articles or announcements and doing ads. The secret is to find a sustainable way of leveraging the combined power of your entire company. Done right, your entire company will become a living, credible, visible and engaging voice for your brand, your company, and your business. I’m here to make that happen.

Turning LinkedIn into a reputational machine for your company brand

Depending on your field, LinkedIn might be potentially one of the most powerful networks to build your brand reputation and establish thought leadership. The thing is, most marketeers and companies go about it the wrong way. Learn how to change that.

Let's talk
German Ramirez

About the coach

I’m German Ramirez – a digital pioneer with a passion for authentic branding and digital strategies, along with razor-sharp marketing insights.

What’s this training about?

Traditionally, companies have focused their communication on their corporate brand, in the past and often today, mostly through advertising. In the digital age, we experience a proliferation of channels and activities, but not a change in strategy, let alone mindset. Most efforts are still focused on putting the corporate brand and channels front and center. What if I told you, you could do better? How about this: Instead of focusing on getting your corporate social channels to fly, you develop a program to enable your entire company to be your active voice. Do you want your brand to fly? Let’s build a rocket together!  

Don't assume everyone will be standing behind you, because it is their moral duty towards their employer, because “the boss said so”, or out of some miraculous sense of belonging… But there are ways to get there. And they can be fun, authentic, engaging. Neither complex, nor require expensive tools, let alone large budgets… 

This training is about understanding

  • How the rules of communication and brand building have changed, and why your employees are the key to success in social media
  • ‍what the right strategy that will enable your brand and your business to harness the collective power of your entire staff; and ‍  ‍
  • how to create a company wide program, that will enable, empower and motivate your entire company to be an authentic voice for your message   

After successfully completing this training, your views about social media and LinkedIn will have changed. Most importantly, you will be equipped not only with the right understanding, but with all the knowledge you need, to set up step by step a program that lifts your social media activities to entire new levels.  

Social media, correctly understood, embraced, and brought to life, can most certainly have a measurable effect on your brand, business, growth and success. Learning what the key success factors are, how to be smart and strategic about it, and how to proceed, is likely to have a higher impact than you anticipate. 

What you’ll learn

Packed with stories, anecdotes, humor, and real-life examples, you will be immersed in a proven journey of inspiration, knowledge and actionable insights.

  1. Why the rules for communication have changed and where the key to success lies today.
  2. What tangible value social media can create for your business.
  3. How to develop the right strategy for your brand that will involve your team. 
  4. How to set up a company wide program to enable, empower and engage everyone in your company. 
  5. How to ensure everyone in your company has a best in class profile and a strong network. 
  6. How to maximize the visibility, credibility and engagement of all your communication efforts. 
  7. How to gamify the experience of measuring, reporting, motivating and rewarding in a sustainable and efficient way. 

Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients. 

“German Ramirez has an impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik
HSG St Gallen University

"I had  the pleasure to enjoy German as a coach on two LinkedIn power sessions.  German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a  digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex  content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad  storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and  inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Senior Customer Experience Manager

"I had the pleasure to witness German Ramirez as an excellent lecturer. The classes was fun and packed with profund, deep knowledge of expertise. He has an inspiring amzaing way to transfer knowledge and keep the audience excited at the same time."

Andrea Vital
Senior Projektleiter eMarketing

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