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Organizational resilience

In a business environment where change is constant, adaptability and resilience have become paramount to success. How can individuals overcome the barriers to their creativity, and how can leaders foster a mindset of resilience in their teams? This training describes proven strategies.

Navigate Change!

Build resilience: develop your team’s capacity to adapt to business challenges, persevere in the face of adversity, and turn uncertainty into opportunity. Discover how in this workshop.

Let's talk
German Ramirez

About the coach

I’m German Ramirez – a digital pioneer with a passion for authentic branding and digital strategies, along with razor-sharp marketing insights.

Recently, it feels like every time one crisis recedes, another one emerges on the horizon. A global pandemic triggers widespread supply-chain disruptions and inflation, swiftly followed by a war that causes a spike in energy prices. Added to these macro-level issues, individual companies need to adapt faster than ever to new and emerging technologies in their industry and disruption from competitors in a global market. In an environment of so much change and uncertainty, resilience has become not just an existential necessity, but a critically important competitive advantage for businesses. 

Resilience is a mindset. It entails perseverance, but it is also about adaptability and creative problem-solving. Resilient individuals tend to be more open-minded, approachable and contentious, and less prone to getting trapped in negative thought loops. They remain committed to their work, even in a time of crisis, and have a greater sense of satisfaction and wellbeing. 

Resilient businesses have formal processes to make daily operations as efficient as possible, but they also have more flexible decision-making principles to respond to unusual circumstances. They trust and empower individuals to exercise judgment in times of crisis. They don’t just weather economic storms, they bounce back in a stronger competitive position than before. 

What’s this offering about?

Through our collaboration you will:

  • gain an understanding of the key factors necessary to build organizational resilience in your industry.
  • understand the characteristics of a resilient mindset and how to foster them in yourself and your team.
  • build a practical strategy, encompassing elements like employee engagement and support, recruitment practices, and employer branding initiatives to cultivate resilience across your organization. 

Why resilience matters

Resilience is good for individuals. Studies show that people who are resilient tend to be more productive, satisfied with their lives, and have higher subjective well-being. Resilience is also a critical success factor for businesses. Research by McKinsey has shown that companies classified as more resilient have generated higher shareholder value on average for the past two decades. By adapting and recovering from shocks faster than the competition, they can convert an initial advantage into continuously superior performance over time.

Fundamentally, organizations are a reflection of the people within them. As a result, individual and organizational resilience are strongly linked. While leaders can take some practical steps like building up capital reserves and taking out insurance policies, ultimately it is the grit, determination, perseverance, optimism and creativity of all employees at times of uncertainty that matters most.   


Don’t just take my word for it. 

I’m proud of what I achieve and I’m not shy to tell you about it. But you might prefer to hear it directly from my past clients. 

“German Ramirez has an impressive strategic and digital know-how, which he manages to convey in a highly engaging way. His passion and style paired with his focus on business results make him a powerful lecturer and coach.”

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik
HSG St Gallen University

"I had  the pleasure to enjoy German as a coach on two LinkedIn power sessions.  German is an authentic & inspiring person and brings his experience as a  digital and social pioneer to his audience. He is able to bring complex  content to the point and adds stickiness to his messages with his broad  storytelling skills and entertainment qualities. A real eye-opener and  inspiring!"

Marius Gafner
Senior Customer Experience Manager

"I had the pleasure to witness German Ramirez as an excellent lecturer. The classes was fun and packed with profund, deep knowledge of expertise. He has an inspiring amzaing way to transfer knowledge and keep the audience excited at the same time."

Andrea Vital
Senior Projektleiter eMarketing

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